Manhattan Mumbles #1: Fitness! Routines, Splits and Helpful Information for Beginning Gym-Goers.
For today, March 12th, 2025’s first edition of The Rockin’ Robin Blog Manhattan Mumbles post, fitness for newcomers, popularly known in gym culture as “newbies” or “new lifters” is the subject matter. Contrary to popular belief, most people do not workout; despite their various self-reporting, New Year’s resolutions and/or drawn out “testimonials” of their efforts. Knowing that, exploring ways to navigate the gym for the very first time is paramount. Generally, there are different approaches to what particular things you do at the gym depending on what day it is. These periods of time with varying, yet revolving workouts are called Splits. There are upper/lower splits that are characterized by days where you workout your upper body, and separate days where you workout your lower body. Take a normal week, for instance. Monday and Thursday could be lower body days. Exercises like squats, leg press and other exercises working the legs are performed. Tuesday and Friday can be upper body days. Bench Press, lateral raises - anything that workouts your upper body muscles can be done.
Now, for beginners, more volume and less frequency may be ideal. Our bodies, especially if you are one who has not worked out before, will need to adjust to the lifestyle changes brought on by increased fitness activity and changes in diet. That being said, a Full-Body split is typically recommended for beginners. You, as the gym-goer, would perform exercises that workout more than one muscle (compound movements). The exercises within your split could be Squats - for your quads, hamstrings, glutes and calves, Bench Press for your chest, anterior deltoids (front shoulder muscles) and triceps, Seated Rows or Lat Pulldowns for your back and biceps, abdominal workouts like sit-ups, crunches, an abdominal machines, and lastly, if you so chose, incorporate one or two isolation exercises. Isolation exercises are exercises that focus on a single muscle group. For example, Bicep Curls isolate the biceps, and primarily work that particular muscle. As a beginner, try to do full body workouts 2-3 times a week for a few months, as you familiarize yourself with the gym.
Navigating the gym can be a daunting task. It can be intimidating. There can be some degree of feeling that makes you wonder “why am I even here?” However, progression in the gym and satisfaction with your physique will not come without taking action. Take the leap. You got this!