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The magic you desire lies in the work you’re avoiding. Frequent your fitness and test your limits. 


Robin Regimen

Need fitness tips? Want some fun facts? Scroll below! Lucy, the Harlem Robin, has got you covered. Also...there's an informative video on resistance bands, so check that out as well while you're in Harlem.

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Mind games

Try This!

In the gym, count your reps backwards. When you near the end of the set, you will think about how many you have left instead of how many you've done.

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No, not like the insurance

Progressive Overload

After doing a certain number of reps, sets or using a particular weight for an extended period of time, increase either the reps you do each set, the total sets themselves, how heavy your weight is - or a combination of all 3! This ensures you do not hit a plateau.

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we all dread leg day


There are different ways that days you go to the gym can be divided or "split." Full-Body workouts are typically a very good option for beginners. Push, Pull, Legs is a split characterized by a day of "pushing" workouts like a press, "pulling" workouts like Lat Pulldowns and then a day reserved for legs. There are also upper body/lower body splits, as well as several others.

Don't Forget Water!

Resistance Band Workout - @THENX (on YouTube)