Collection: 𝕢ꪊꫀꫀꪀડ

Diverse. Universal. Lustful. Explore the erotic, and disregard your discretion. 



The best way to prevent unintended pregnancy and sexually-transmitted infections is to abstain from sex entirely. However, we here at Harlem's Robin, live on planet Earth and realize TOTAL abstinence is a lofty hope for the masses. SO...wrap it up.

Did you know??

Pain Reliever

Sexual pleasure can act as a natural pain reliever due to the release of oxytocin, the "feel good" hormone, during arousal and orgasm.

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DID you know??

Dude, Drink Water.

Staying hydrated can contribute to better orgasms for both men and women!

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Surely you know...

Smiles - Ear to Ear.

Regular sexual activity can reduce stress and positively impact mood. Potentially, this could help with anxiety and depression.

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DId you know?


Due to the release of the hormone prolactin during orgasm, one is more likely to experience a more restful, deep sleep following sexual activity.

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